Behavior Change Research

Busara conducted behavior change research with 5 DFS providers who were experiencing challenges with SSP adoption and usage of their DFS offerings or not using the offerings as intended.

This research identified the factors that drove SSP behavior, including preferences, beliefs, and cognitive biases. Using co-design workshops and human-centered design methods, we developed prototypes of solutions around these factors, which we then tested in the field using mini-RCTs and behavioral lab games to assess the prototypes’ potential effectiveness in changing SSP behavior.

Each behavioral project was carried out over 9 to 10 months and rolled out in 3 phases:

  • A diagnostic qualitative research phase to uncover the drivers of SSP behavior
  • A design phase to develop prototypes of solutions for increasing adoption and use
  • A testing phase to measure the potential impact of the prototypes. The following is a summary of this segment of our study