Population-Level Research

60 Decibels piloted variations of the population-level methodology in Nigeria, Kenya, and India in 2023-2024. A few important parameters of the research to keep in mind:

  • Includes only farmers with access to mobile phones since the interviews were conducted over the phone;
  • Covers digital solutions provided by institutions (DFS providers) - public, private, or non-profit entities or programs dedicated to offering essential agricultural products or services;
  • Focuses on digitization of five essential agricultural products/services — information and advisory, inputs, markets, credit, and insurance;
  • Captures two channels of digital delivery - direct delivery of DFS through farmers' mobile phones or facilitated delivery through digitally-enabled agents with a wide range of digital tools (i.e., laptop, tablet); blockchain / upstream digitization is not included. Considers digitization of a part or all of service delivery so long as the farmer can experience digitization firsthand.

Across the three geographies, we experimented with different ways of sourcing sampling frames and different survey cadences. Below is a summary of what we did in each country.